Russet Toughshank

Collybia dryophila

27th September 2017, Hayes Common
Growing in leaf litter of oak, beech and pine. Several scattered in the area. Cap 3-5cm, stem up to 5cm. No smell. Noticeable umbo. Thin tough stem. ID is very likely. Sporeprint White. Spores 5-6µ x 4-4.5µ.

25th September 2015, Oldbury Hill, Borough Green
Growing in in leaf litter under oak. Two. cap 2-4cm, stem 4cm. No smell. Surprisingly thin stem. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint white. Spores 4-6µ x 3-3.5µ.

14th November 2014, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing on leaf litter from deciduous trees. Several large clusters. cap 0.5-6cm. Slight mushroomy smell, perhaps a bit sweet. Very distinctive toughshank stem. Sporeprint white. Spores 5.5-8µ x 3.5-4.5µ.

10th October 2014, Farningham Wood near Swanley
Growing in leaf litter from oak, birch, sweet chestnut. A few scattered. Cap 3-4cm. Slight mushroom smell. ID is very likely. Spores 5-7µ x 2.5-4.5µ.
